If a Tour has been set up as 'Selected' Ordering, you will see a list of locations which need to be visited to complete the Tour.

The locations can be visited in any order.

If NFC confirmation is enabled on any Location in this Tour, then simply passing the device over the NFC tag will trigger the process to confirm the matching location.

If Barcode confirmation is enabled on any Location in this Tour, then tapping the barcode icon on the top header will initiate the barcode reading as described in Confirming a Location by Barcode.

If the barcode or NFC matches any location in the Tour then that Location will be confirmed and the Tour will progress to the Location Questions (if entered for this location).

By default only Incomplete Locations are shown so as the Tour is progressed the Location list is reduced.  If you need to view which Locations have been completed this can be done by tapping the Filter icon on the top header  and selecting Show Complete.

The order of Locations can be changed by tapping the sort icon on the top headerand selecting the required ordering option.

If the Tour has been set up as Ordered or Random, the device will display the location which needs to be visited next. Once this location is completed, it will display the next location and so on.

After all Locations have been visited press the floating tick button bottom right to complete the Tour.  The device will return to the Tour list.

Next Topic - Confirming a location by Barcode