When a new site is created on Manager 360 that your account has permission to view, it will be displayed on your site page with all other sites you have permission to. If you administer a large number of sites you can manage this list by creating Groups to display related sites together.

Any number of Groups can be created and sites can appear in as many groups as you require. So for example you could create one set of groups based upon your internal organisational structure and a second set of groups based upon clients.

Once Groups have been created and defined on the Site page, these are then mirrored on the Incidents and Work Orders pages.

Reports can be filtered using Site Groups allowing reporting on specific groups of sites.

NOTE: Groups are account specific so they will only apply to your account log on.  Groups created under your account will not apply to any other account on Manager 360.  In this way each account can administer their own site list in the way that suits their individual purposes.

Creating Groups

To create a group log in to Manager 360 and navigate to your site list using the Sites option in the header menu.

All the sites your account has permission to view are listed.  Any sites not already grouped will be listed under the heading 'Ungrouped Sites'.

To create a new group select.

The Create Group screen is displayed.

Enter a Name for the group.  This will be used in the Header on the site list and in report filtering.

Select the Sites to be added to this group using the drop down list and selecting .

The Selected site will be added below.  Continue adding sites until all sites have been added for this group.

Select  to save the group.

The new Group will now appear on your Sites list.

Modifying a Group

To modify the sites in a group select the modify icon on the group header.

The Group Details screen is displayed.

The group name can be edited by changing the name as displayed.

Add more sites as described above in Creating Groups.

To remove a Site select  next to the site name.

Select  to save your changes.

Deleting a Group

To delete a Site Group select the delete icon  on the group header.

Check you are deleting the correct group and select

The group header will be removed and any sites not contained within other groups will return to the 'Ungrouped Sites' group.