Active State | The shipment stays active in the system to enable users to reattach another seal to the shipment |
Bolt Seal | Type of P2D product which involves a QR code and challenge number attached to a bolt |
Cable Seal | Type of P2D product which involves a QR code and challenge number attached to a zip tie |
Challenge Number | 6-Digit code associated with a specific QR code found on the product within the seal and revealed when the seal is broken. |
Check In | This is to be performed when a vehicle stops for a length of time to ensure seal integrity |
CMR | An international agreement that contains the rights and obligations of parties involved in road transport. “Convention relative au contrat de transport international de marchandises par route” |
Conjunction | A situation where events happen together |
Current User | The individual who is logged into the mobile device |
Destination | The location where an item is being sent to |
Drop Off | Enables a user to remove liability and possession of a shipment from their account |
GPS | Global positioning system |
Integrity | The quality of being honest and transparent |
Label Seal | Type of P2D product which involves a QR code and challenge number attached to a sticky label |
Liability | The fact that someone is legally responsible for something |
Origin | The location where an item is being sent from |
Other User | An individual who is not the current user logged into the mobile device |
Outliers | A piece of data that is very different and does not fit the same pattern |
Pick Up | User accepts and attaches liability by scanning the seal attached to a shipment through the P2D mobile application |
QR Code | A pattern of black-and-white squares that is printed on every P2D seal |
Register | Inserting personal information into the P2D system |
Seals | Type of P2D product either in the form of label, bolt or zip tie |
Shipment | Identifier of an advanced shipping notice within an accounts supply chain |
Timeline | A line which shows the time and order in which events have happened |
Transit | The movement of goods from one place to another |
Users | Someone who uses a product or service |
Web Portal | P2D application found online showing real-time reporting |
Glossary Print
Modified on: Thu, 16 Jul, 2020 at 2:41 PM
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