When starting a simple form or selecting a section of sectioned form, the Form Questions are presented.

For data entry question types tap on the entry line and type in your answer.

For multiple choice question types, as in the example above, when you tap on the entry line the available options are displayed.

Select the appropriate answer and it will be displayed in the entry line.

Questions can be configured to accept additional supporting detail.  If this is the case then the icons appear below the entry line as in the example above and as shown below.

To add additional comments to the answer tap the comment icon on the left.  A comment entry box opens to allow free typing for more information.

To add pictures to support the answer tap on the image icon on the right.  The image capture option is displayed.  Tap the camera icon to enter a picture.  This can either be directly from the devices camera or uploaded from images already stored on the device.

You can return to the section list at any time by tapping the back arrow at the top.  The system will remember which questions have been answered and update the count on the section list page.

When you have answered all required questions in the section, tap the floating tick bottom right.  The section list page will be displayed and this section will be indicated with a green icon indicating it has been completed.